Thursday, November 5, 2009

Final Idea

My idea involves portraying the use of dining tables as more than just a place to eat, but a place for safety, creation, and death. I want to give a different view on the common american family dinner table through the use of different tables for each image, for the different tables will fit in with the specific scene. I am also going to build backdrops for the tables to further enhance the image. Let me know what you think


  1. This bring many ideas to mind in regards to consumption, religion, science and examination. This isn't to say you must define or pick one, but that you may consider each and more when creating these images. Look at the work of Nicola Costantino.

  2. This is a really interesting concept. Making each scene completely different would be really cool if you kept the table as a constant in the series. just a thought

  3. I was considering keeping the tables constant but it would not correlate with my background props but I may try it out and see how it go's

  4. This sounds cool, when I was reading it over, all I could think of was how I used to build forts under my dining room table with sheets and pillows and such, when I was little. This sounds like it could be a really fun concept to work with, and come up with different situations. When you say backdrops, do you mean out of paper? Or are you going to use other pieces of furniture as a backdrop?

  5. im going to build walls to depict decay for one photo and use furniture as backdrops in the others. im building a wall out of plywood and drywall to use as my backdrops and im going to add tile and paint and wall paper on it

  6. This idea is really cool. I keep thinking of my own dining room table which has over the years caught on fire, broke, been spilt on, ect ect ect. I think it may be cool to think of it as one family's table and go through major milestones in the families life-cycle. A birth/birthday, a death/funeral, a wedding, and eventually the family moving out and leaving the table bare. Certain decor in the background could change (and only building one set could really save you time and money) and the lighting could reflect the mood of the event.
    It sounds really cool and hope it works out.
