Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Idea for Final

I find old botanical anatomy prints really simple and beautiful, and plan to draw a lot of inspiration from them. I want to make my theme something about animal cruelty, it will heavily depend on the kind of animals I can get.
For example, I would like to get my hands on some taxidermy animals, then I'd like to label the basic anatomy on small signs hanging from strings around it, and add in labels like "easiest bone to break" or "worth the most money." I really hope I'm able to work something out with the folks at the taxidermist where I can use their animals without paying full price (cheapest bird is usually $120, yikes). Example:

If I can't get the birds, I would like to adapt this to a version for specific flowers, vegetables, and fruits and play up the pesticides and chemicals we use to keep them alive and working to our advantage, by again labeling the anatomy.
Here are some more examples of prints I'd like to mimic.

I appreciate any feedback.


  1. I imagine that much of this work is inspired by the Audubon Society. Are there to be any mutations, heath compromises, or developmental issues brought about the use of pesticides?

    Checkout the latest work of Chris Jordan, Midway
    Message from the Gyre, at

  2. A simple white background would work well for the idea as i interpret it. Especially if you use colorful flowers or such. I like the simplicity of the idea. good luck with the taxidermist!

  3. I enjoy the humor that you are adding into your final. This seems ambitious but I'm sure you'll do fine. I think some photoshop work afterwards would add too your photos.
